It is time once again, to review an adult game on itch, the greatest platform in existence (please overlords don't reduce the rations further, im struggling to think because of the lack of food). And this time, it is a horror game, i dare say a interesting combination of the two genres. Since this game is small in size, i shall keep the review small as well, focusing on the story, art, and mechanics.
Story time, no i wont be telling a story im commenting on the story of this game. It is definitely short, but that is far from bad. I enjoyed the Cthulhu monster scenario, and the post apocalypse is a favorite story environment of mine. But i must say, there is a significant lack of nuclear warheads in this game, could be just me though.
Art is arousing to say the least, at least the ladies part. For all of you android gamers, don't you even think of playing this game outside of your room, or trouble will find you quicker than a hungry cat its food bowl. I like it a lot, they are beautiful and biological speaking accurate, especially the tentacles, that is a common part of all females around my parts. The environmental art is pretty too, gives a good idea of the surroundings to the player.
The mechanics work. I don't have much to comment, but i must request a hide button. As i said the ladies in this are attractive to the human brain, and i think the audience would appreciate the possibility to watch the art without the text box in the way. Then again, considering that a HD art only gallery app exists that is paid to acquire, i can imagine you might not implement this feature, which i find normal.
In conclusion, nice little game you got there friend. Definitely spices the visual novel realm, in a good way. From me, a 8/10 is well deserved, but i cannot give a perfect rating because it is sort, there is no hide option, and no nukes.
(12th October 2022, small grammar corrections have been made, no additions)