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Greetings, individuals likely logging on in hopes of seeing a new update. I come here to bring you news. Read the writing below and get your fill, I insist... No, I demand you do so, it'll be worth it. 

Development is NOT dead, worry not. In fact, new story content is being worked on at this very moment. Shirokoi was doing an absurd amount things at once, including, but not limited to: Working on his other VN in order to alleviate his burnout from endlessly pouring his time into Repeat (also a great VN, check it out, it's called "Temptations Ballad"), reworking ALL of Repeat's sprites (over 200+, an arduous, and VERY time consuming process), replacing old CGs to accommodate the updated stature of the new character sprites (also an incredible amount of work that most take for granted), typo/bug/code passing the ENTIRETY of the game's script (which is gargantuan, mind you, and an ever-ongoing process as more of the game is released), having what was meant to be a small-time side job morph into a full-time investment that consumed extraordinary amounts of his time and energy for some odd months (thankfully it's over as of a few weeks ago), and coming down with sickness near the beginning of September that involved a dangerously high fever, difficulty breathing, and going to Urgent Care, which lasted throughout practically the entirety of the month. (Thankfully he seems to have recovered as well as he possibly could have.) Also, a brief side note... his pages have not been updated for a while, and showcase some old writing and character sprites not wholly representative of the VNs in their current status.

If you are STILL unsatisfied with everything provided in this comment so far, the best alternative I can provide is to tell you to support his Patreon page ($3/month, lowest tier), and get access to the Discord channel, that is filled with some lovely people where you can ask [respectful and tactful] questions, have early access to future updates, get more insight in regards to the state and development of the project, and support Shirokoi all at the same time.

In conclusion... it has been an absolute mess as of this year for the poor guy, but let it be known, that he has by no means forgotten his projects. You don't work on something for ~5 years (maybe longer, I'm not fully positive), and simply forget about it, that is a silly idea to humor. With the mountain of obstacles finally over (for the most part), development can finally resume, and it is in fact, doing so.

And with all of that said, I hope I was able to put some of your minds at ease. I love this VN as much as you guys, and I also want to see it completed one day.


happy to know that shirokoi is still updating repeat, thanks kind stranger and shiro.