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(2 edits)

Sure I'm on windows, 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11600K @ 3.90GHz   3.91 GHz, NVDIA Geforce RTX 3060.

The music to me has some odd placement like when we first meet the reapers the first time I rather it stayed in that first music tone until it entirely change scene since to me the early chat has the same tone but it went into this slightly battle-ish music mid-conversation (idk the music name but it was more quicker pace) before going back to slow. I suppose it all comes to the music choice and placement could be better.

For the transtitions, I felt most are really sudden or sometimes the transtition is very short so it immediately goes to another scene which surprise me I even checked if the transtition setting was off but it was fine. It was like experiencing a jump cut.

For the messaging system renpy has some good messaging frameworks. The best ones are in russians lol, but pretty easy to use sDextra messenger is the one I used as it can also play audio clips and click images and has choices integrated into the text which should prevent the choice error -- as it's a common error in renpy if messaging systems aren't coded correctly due to the screen label clash. Good luck!

Ahh I see! That's interesting, all of our errors have been on mac, but we'll look into it for sure. Ahh the lets go type music! Meant for the introduction. I'll see what I can do, waiting on a lot of other tracks from my musician still. Ohh, okay so you'd prefer slower transitions, I'll look at what the Otomate games do for reference. For the group conversations, we're going to probably install the shadow code to dim the other characters while speaking.

Ooh okay! I'll pass the messaging system on too, thank you so much for the tips! 

I know why the messaging error exists now, it's because the messaging system is draggable. So if I dragged it and a choice popped up during messaging system then I couldn't select the choices hence why I got stuck. Because renpy couldn't decide if I was in that screen or in the main one (where the choice is). So I was able to continue after loading and making sure I don't drag and click right at the bottom part/outside the watch area. As for the return it's just an asset thing, since I assume your imagebutton is just the bar and not the return/load text above it (which I thought were the main buttons to click and not the bar below it) You could just include the text with the bar as the buttons so it also makes it easier to click overall I think ^ ^. So I think for those errors, you're good, the solution is easy enough. Other than that other errors are what others listed (white circle during messaging, typos, mismatch voices,etc) but are definitely fixable over time! Story wise I like Caym, the boys and story remind me of Obey Me! for some reason but it's a good thing since I do like it.