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(perdoname, espanol no es mi idioma primera)

Me gusta! La idea es original. Es un poquito raro, pero facil para comprender. 

Un bug, o posiblamente mi error: No podia traer el gato Hernan al Hernan humano, pero el juego me diga que ya completa. 

Creo su animal favorito es... un gato, una rana, o (animal con dientes como conejo, les gustan arboles y cacajuates?) 

I enjoyed this! The concept was very original. It was a little weird, but not so weird that I couldn't understand it. 

One possible bug, or possible error on my part: I couldn't bring Hernan the cat to Hernan the human, but the game still told me I had done it. 

I would guess that your favorite animal is... a cat, a frog, or a squirrel (I don't know how to say squirrel, so I said "animal with teeth like a rabbit, they like trees and nuts?)

Sorry for the late reply, I am very busy with work and study.

Thank you very much for testing the game! I invite you to download the latest game I'm developing is a bullet hell.

Following with your feedback, I will take into account the bug of the cat Hernan to correct it, the idea of the game is to enjoy a small experience with many mini games, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm going to correct the bugs you commented! And yes my favorite animal is the cat hahaha! Your Spanish was very good, anyway it doesn't bother me at all if you comment in English, I enjoy learning new languages!