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(2 edits) (+2)

Love that Chloe from Life is Strange is in the game. Haven't gotten that far into it but I'm hopeful that I can fuck her. 

EDIT: Succesfully fucked her. Should be able to impregnate her if you fuck her before going into cryo. Also liked the Mass Effect reference and Back to the Future "To Be Continued" thing. LOL. Hope development keeps going. This was a great game.

2nd EDIT shortly after the first edit: Can we get Wheatly from Portal 2 in the game? Like...he's drifted far into space and Ruby sees him. LOL. Maybe some Doctor Who characters as well? They could use the Tardis and land on either the spaceship or the habitable planet. *Wink Wink*

I love adding different references, so who knows! I am really glad you like the game. I am working on the new update as I write this post so expect more soon. :)