Simple dark mode that just toggles a final `1-x` line in an existing shader for minimal impact.
Network input for if any joint within a group is touching the ground, rather than simply how many are. I imagine it's useful to know which foot is touching the ground rather than only how many are. For backwards compatibility all unspecified joints are in the same group.
Activation functions for the networks. I tried to find if there's already some form of nonlinearity in the network but I can't parse Unity code and didn't see any in the brain code. Simple choices include ReLU for just clamping the minimum value to zero; Leaky ReLU which is just ReLU but lerp the original value in a little; Sine; GeLU as approximated with `0.5 * x * (1 + tanh(sqrt(2 / pi) * (x + 0.044715 * x^3)))` which allows for some negative values but fades to zero as it becomes more negative. The final outputs shouldn't have these on them.
Biases to go along with weights in the network s. Simple values to add to the output of each fully connected layer (before activation function if added).
There are more complicated things that might be interesting, like gated units where the output of one layer is put through an activation function and then multiplied with the output of another layer in order to block off an output in certain situations, but at a certain point a line has to be drawn for simplicity.