Quick question: The navigating rules state "You may roll to see what hex you drive your vehicle to or choose to travel through a previously visited hex." but also "roll a D6 and move to the hex with the number rolled as is pictured." If I choose to roll, can I be trapped driving back and forth across the same few tiles forever, or can I choose to reroll if it lands on the tile I was just on? Thank you!
In my first playthrough, I think I hit the Parking Lot five times lol. I've been messing around with a house-rule to get around that, though: If you choose to fail the Crash Test, you can roll 2d6 and choose the result. If you choose to fail the Authority test, you can choose which way to go without rolling.
I wanna mess around with it a bit more, maybe incorporate reducing Gear or something, but for right now I think it's an effective workaround.