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Hi, I'm having issues importing models with the latest version.

The traceback is


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 338, in init vtuber_webcam

  File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 189, in vtuber_webcam.App.__init__

  File "avatar.pyx", line 139, in plugins.avatar.VPlugin.create

  File "cc.pyx", line 295, in plugins.avatar.CharacterController.attach

  File "phys.pyx", line 66, in plugins.avatar.PhysicsCharacterController._attach_spring_bones

  File "spring.pyx", line 340, in plugins.avatar.build_spring_chains

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_x'


I'm having the issue with all the WRM models I have but the issue doesn't happen when using the xbot.wrm included model.


I have updated the app, should be fixed in current version.