i'm surprised why no one answered, lol.
well the cheating thread is constantly getting resurrected so you may have a look at it.
this cheat is not official and might be removed in the complete game so don't depend on it forever, if you really had to then download a cheating mod or something
Press F10 and then type ($game_player.actor.XXXX=9999)
you can replace the XXXX with Health or STA, i dont remember the Exp and Food code names but i think inf health and stamina is a big cheat enough.
($game_player.actor.sta=100) will set your Stamina to 100 ($game_player.actor.sta-=100) will take away 100 Stamina ($game_player.actor.sta+=100) will give 100 stamina
well now don't go overboard with cheating! only use it when things get inconvenient, so your gameplay won't be ruined! 👍