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(1 edit) (+1)

(使用翻译)哦,天哪,我很抱歉暗示我基本上要求一个英文版的压力感(这让我暗示我想要一个英文版,因为我在之前的评论中加粗了一些单词)。 我并不是故意让自己听起来麻木不仁,每当有人问游戏是否可以翻译时,这可能会很乏味。 非常抱歉我的粗鲁,是的,我当然可以等。 这是你的项目,你可以用它做任何你喜欢的事情。 保持!

Oh gosh, I'm sorry for implying a sense of pressure for basically asking an English version (It was giving an inkling of me wanting an English version, because I bolded some words in my previous comment). I didn't meant to sound insensitive, and it can be tedious whenever someone ask if the game can be translated. Terribly sorry for my rudeness, and yes I can certainly wait. This is your project, and you get to do whatever you like with it. Keep it up!

(1 edit) (+1)


It's okay. I didn't even notice.Hahaha