Is there a chance, that you have a totally different cultural background? Like Arabic or Afrikan? 'Cause to a Mideuropean, his way of interacting with all the girls looks considerate and playfull, especially the way of talking to eachother? I spend quite some time in the Middle-East and Africa, so I know that this kind of interaction indeed does look strange for named males!?
East Asia? Where from? That actually explains a lot, because in east asian cultures, male domination is still looked at as a god-given fact, whereas for the "western" cultures, men and women are deemed equal in mostly all respects - including the right, to talk to a friend in what seems a rather respectless manner. But actually that normally is a sign of trust and friendship! Talk like that to someone you're not close with and the answer might hurt, literally! So, what looks strange to you, might be absolutely ok in other parts of the World. Have you ever been outside your cultural hemisphere? If not, you should may be be a little more considerate, before judging other cultures, ok?
Just my two pence...