Here's a small update, after six more days of coding I can tell the castle has a whole new look and it's almost ready! Now it's time to let the King sit on the throne, ready to give to Eric his first mission! As I wrote in the last post, the castle now feels more lively with a 2.5D atmosphere, although most of it is fully rendered in 3D. There's still A LOT of work to do, still, thank you for the attention, love you! <3
Viewing post in Porting 2D stuff in a 3D world!
Here's a small update, after six more days of coding I can tell the castle has a whole new look and it's almost ready! Now it's time to let the King sit on the throne, ready to give to Eric his first mission! As I wrote in the last post, the castle now feels more lively with a 2.5D atmosphere, although most of it is fully rendered in 3D. There's still A LOT of work to do, still, thank you for the attention, love you! <3