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Thanks for buying the pack :D
I was considering doing Shields for sure; are there any other 'essential' item types you think yourself and others would appreciate ?

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit) (+1)

Throwing weapons like ( throwing stars, throwing knife, stones, snowballs, spear) 

Also animated fireball, iceball, poisonball, electroball  projectile would be very handy for the staffs.

(2 edits) (+1)

People who make indie games usually want everything in their game to look as similar in style as possible, so a pack with general icons would be great imo. You can look up RPG Maker icon sheet to see the usual stuff people want. Basically more misc stuff :P The people who sell the most assets seems to be the ones who have the full package (icons, tilesets, characters etc..) so a developer can make an entire game with it. This is ofc a large undertaking but it seems to work for them as far as I can see.

I was about to add that maybe the misc pack should be free in order to attract people to your profile, but you already made a free tileset pack I see. Having free packs works great, I have a shitty weapon pack with like 30k downloads, people love free stuff xD

This is all priceless feedback that imma take onboard!
I need to add more variation in my Packs

As RomRom said aswell, Shields, Throwing items, and animated spells should be included too

Just a suggestion but maybe you could make closed gloves/gauntlets and war fans?  It's very rare when someone makes them.