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Ok, this is great!
Humble requests please...
in the Synth/Synth screen, you've got the list of materials in the top right with the totals.  Can it be a tool tip to show the level of that resource as you hover over please? I'm always going to the "select asset to work with" to see the other asset levels for what I should burn some resources on before prestige resetting.

Great idea, ill get that in at somepoint.  thanks!

And done! Thank you!
I /might/ be having some odd bugs with reactor purchases not being 1 or 2, but hundreds of thousands.  Should I dump my save game here or is there a better way of doing that!

Im not 100% sure what you mean, post a pic or your save file (or setup the cloud saves and tell me the username) and I can look into it.

Account made, JyveAFK.
I spent a run maxing my Void Power Generation capacity to buy some upgrades, but instead of just getting another one extra rank, if you hit max on.. Boost Synth Speed, it goes to 105 instead of 8 like it should have.  All the 'max' values didn't just add a single level, but far more than expected for trying to buy one more level.

OK I found the issue thanks.  Next update (prolly this next weekend) Ill have a fix for that happening and setting your max back correctly.

A) glad I could help
B) totally going to abuse Synth production for as long as I can!

No rush to implement!

arrgh,  closed window, came back later, lost about half a day's worth of progress. (ish).  
Cloud save overruled local save it appeared, even though it was older.

There was a different save/load bug that was fixed that you may have run into.  were you using a controller for anything before that happened?

No.  Regular PC, mouse/keyboard only.