The current vim implementation will probably not be getting any (significant) updates, though some commands are probably possible.
will probably not be added, since Deepdwn doesn’t (currently) have a concept of closing a documentset spell
maybe be possible. Do you often toggle spelling on and off?:z=
Maaaaaybe, but probably not, as it would require a new interface for spelling suggestions, since the current mouse menu wouldn’t be appropriate.g;
Would be great, but Deepdwn doesn’t track non-editing changes currently, so it wouldn’t be possible without significant work.
So the bad news is:
The existing bindings, despite their limitations, are very complex and somewhat fragile. As part of a larger upgrade in progress, the current vim bindings will need to be rebuilt and/or replaced.
I’ll be reassessing the vim functionality at that time. Ideally, I’d like to maintain the current functionality, but there’s also a chance that Vim mode would be dropped, and only available in older Deepdwn versions.
I think it’s safe to say that the majority of Deepdwn users do not use Vim mode at all, so it’s hard to pour effort into it that will only benefit a few people.