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A short pamphlet jampacked with extradimensional chaos to throw at players. While the mission is set up to progress in a linear fashion, the 2D6 table of SHIFTS present a ton of different worlds for players to encounter. Even if you only run the actual mission once, you’ll still have all the other hooks to use if your players want to continue dimension hopping in future games. The regions, which players progress through during the mission, are briefly but effectively described with unique physical environment and potential complications.

The shift stabilizer is a fun physics in joke. Running this for my own players, I may add one small tweak and give the cat a 50/50 chance of being alive every time someone looks in the box, regardless of the cat’s condition that last time someone checked.


Thank you for your review! I tried to phrase it a bit ambiguously to let your take (the cat WAS dead, but now it's alive again) or the boring, more 'reasonable' one (if it's dead it's dead) both be viable options to the Ref. The more variable option is the one I favor myself.


I realized that my original comment won't show up  on the non-jam project page, so I'm going to repost it there so it will be a public endorsement.