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I loved the first part, it went very smooth, the art is great, the accesbility options menu is awesome, the cutscenes are very cool, super polished overall. My main problem was the second part, the checkpoints seems way too separated for me(I started from the right puzzle and when I was close to the cauldron I burnt the item, losing all progress), the top puzzle was fine and the left puzzle I took some time to understand but was a nice twist to the gameplay. About the controls, it seemed to me that there was no coyote-time(or very small window), although this is not a problem becuase the jumps are well distanced(you dont need to jump on the last pixel), I would apreciate input-buffer though, would improve the box jump and also jumping on clouds. Very inspiring submition, good job.


Thanks for the more thorough analysis!

So yeah as the checkpoints are in the game, they only save the location of the player and not the item the player is carrying, so I ended up putting a checkpoint near the pickup point, so the player doesn't have to walk back to the pickup point if the item burns. This was a decision I ended up making while trying to keep the core gameplay more simple. Was it the right choice? Not sure really.

About the coyote-time, there kinda is one, I made it using a ray collider that is located near the feet of the character, always behind the character, opposite side to the moving direction. It's disabled when the character is on air or isn't moving. Now the ray is somewhat close, so it doesn't add as generous window as some other games do, but it is still there :D It could have been bigger though yeah.