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There's so much in here! I'm especially a big fan of the TSP (henchmen) rules and the hexcrawl event tables in Act 4. The logic and flow of the scenario is intuitive to any ref running the game, and the player handouts are a nice touch as well. This says it's a "scenario" but really it has enough meat to be a mini campaign on its own.

My only crits are that the inconsistent sizes of fonts and columns make it harder for my eyes to track and scan on the page and that the b/w shading of the different categories on the hex maps are perhaps a bit too similar to each other, they kind of blend in a bit.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your review!  The comment on the font/column design is particularly helpful - in future I'll probably work harder to structure the scenarios in a way that let's me maintain a better uniformity from page to page.