I agree with a lot of what you've said here.
- Potential things that could be done would include making energy matter more: penalizing 0 energy to prevent endless adventuring as well as making even basic attacks cost a little bit of energy. This would require some way to get out of combat that isn’t a 10 cost flee option as it then becomes possible to get into an auto-loss situation.
Just saying, you do get penalized for low energy. At a point, your characters get the 'exhausted' debuff, which decreases damage dealt by 33%.
- I’d like to see, is a way for Fear to influence Rebellion, as that does double duty in making Fear relevant while at the same time making prisoners worth spending some Interactions per day on.
I don't like the idea of being 'feared', so I always play the 'good' master. That said, I never keep anyone in the prison. I put handcuffs on them and throw them into the commons. I do agree that fear is pretty much useless as it is. Be nice and, unless you keep them under their luxury requirements, you have a 100% loyal and loving slave after a few interactions (after they 'get used' to their situation.), and never have to worry about them again.