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I have never said this before and am usually a huge purveyor of the opposite, but you should consider making this a hentai free game or finding a way to atleast split it's identity(like in a way you could land the full game on steam or something and not get hidden from the rest of the store page). You got the makings of a weird fighting dating sim with insanely good interactivity. 

THAT BEING SAID, if you choose to continue on this insanely horny path I salute you and want you to make a banger(giggity) game. You're menus are already looking amazing and your controls have an incredibly great start. So here's some combat critiques:

  • Punching magnet is too strong. The way momentum works entirely makes the game a little obnoxious to play. I had an easier time parkouring to a platform by punching the enemy because all my momentum would disappear when I got off a wall run. (this might not be a problem if the movement gets a little more flexible, I recognize it's your first ver. It's really cool and I'm typing a lot cause it's really encouraging.)
  • Also on momentum, the boost jump is really cool, but it might be fun with more directional control based on the way you're looking with directional controls to the left, right, and back overriding it. (since the platforming elements seem like something you want to explore)
  • Last momentum note: The slide after boost jumping is cool, but it's really out of control, it actively discourages me to land on my feet because it's easier to pull up on the ledge. Maybe there was a way to control it better, but my first instinct is to hold shift when I land to continue full movement and the slide has a weird tech that can also make you full-speed flip backward when you just want to kill momentum.
  • would love to see more combo stuff, target switching options, more offensive options based on were you're positioned, and a dodge or defensive option; the movement just isn't dependable to get past a lot of enemies sometimes. Especially when dashing too early makes them just wait.  The combat was enjoyable, but if I ever was put into a position where it felt like grinding, id get bored fast

UI critiques:

  • Mouse navigation in chat menus. The rest are mice accessible and it's weird I have to move my whole hand around my keyboard to use it. I can live with it, though if there's something you're intending there
  • Escape options while in a replay besides exit game
  • A manual save option since the game warns me that anything unsaved will be lost, It makes me paranoid

Sexy/character critiques:

  • More body customization for guys. Every classmate is bland and it makes the game less interesting for women. Neutral customization brings the process out of a binary too (definately get it if the engine is just limiting.)
  • Speaking of classmates, the ratio of body diversity in spawned women is kind bad. If you're into big hips massive boobs, power too you, but there's so many I had a hard time finding my fem twinks
  • That being said, the customization options available for women characters is kinda nice because it allows for dymorphisms, unlike guys.

Okay, that's everything off the top of my head, I spent alot of time thinking and typing this, so I know it's also a hassle a read, so thank you for anytime you took reading my critiques

Wow! Thank you a lot for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it. I just released a new version on my Patreon where I already fix/tweak some of the combat points you mention. I agree with the rest of them and I'm working towards making the game way better. I'm still working on this alone, at least for the game part (some artists help my a bit with design and assets) so I can't really put all the resources I would like

I absolutely understand! Thank you so much for taking the time to read what I wrote, I just felt incredibly impassioned by your work and I'm excited to see more. I hopefully will be able to support the patreon soon!