Thanks for all of the awesome feedback! You brought some new issues to light and reiterated some, which is fine. More votes to things that we really need to fix.
Sounds like the rng gods really frowned at your! But that just points out a balance issue that we thought wouldn’t be that big of a deal. There really aught to be a limit to the number of zombies allowed in the cabin at any one time. And we could base that off a chosen difficulty level.
When you said that you wished for a way to be alerted to a new wave starting, I instantly thought of Left 4 Dead. I’m not sure we’ll do that, but it’s something we’ll definitely consider.
The attack mode is a good idea too. Or maybe just make it a “one shot” deal. And I knew about the simultaneous wood gathering issue but ran out of time/energy before the deadline. When we started the game, we started with stations where either only one at a time was allowed to interact with it or multiple could and it didn’t matter. But for resource giving stations such as the wood pile, I should have made the progress bar character specific (in that each character had their own progress bar). This is something I’m thinking of doing as well. Especially when I think about using the interaction system in future games.
I’ve never experienced an issue with characters ending up on the ceiling! I’ll try to reproduce this as it seems a game breaking bug when it happens. Thanks for reporting it!
Thanks again for the feedback! This is what I consider “gold” in game jams!