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Cairo is interesting, you picked a great place to set a globetrotting adventure session. For example : they don't pay full rate real estate taxes until a building is completely finished being constructed, so huge chunks of the city have exposed concrete support struts and rebar on the roof because "it's not finished yet" even though people live in the buildings and nobody ever works on that last phantom floor.  Squab ranching is illegal but openly done, so there are all these sniper-tower looking structures randomly plopped on top of buildings in areas where the police know better than to go, full of renegade pigeons with known breeding histories. Don't get me started on how the city layout tanked their sanitation infrastructure. - suffice it to say there are a lot of biohazard rich improvised fighting trenches throughout the city outskirts.

It's a super interesting place, is what I'm saying. Hard to explain it well enough to bring to the table.