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Tempestuous Mind (also called Tempestuous Storm in the thumbnail and itch page title) is 2 page mission for FIST about liquidating a Soviet psychics program being run out of an oil rig.

The PDF is well organized and professional, with a lot of graphics and easily processable data to anchor the paramilitary feeling of the setting.

The structure of the mission is likewise clean and well-organized, and there's no danger of the PCs losing the plot. The PCs infiltrate, have a series of setpiece encounters, and things cultimate in a supernatural shootout.

The overall vibe is a little bit Call Of Duty, with a more grounded feel than many of FIST's supernatural-heavy missions. There's also a little bit of CoD's "morally gray actions are fine if you're the good guys" motif, so do expect to a) kill children, and b) have them thank you for it unless you pivot off of the module's intended path.

There *is* a really neat bit of game design tech tucked at the end of the scenario in the form of a CHOKE stat for NPCs. CHOKE functions a little bit like a morale score, but it causes an NPC to take rash actions. This adds a great bit of mechanical color to things like civilians in war zones, or combatants who are more enthusiastic than they are professional.

Overall, if you want a grounded, modern-military-feeling FIST scenario with clear stakes and some neat fights, this is an excellent choice.

It may shine especially with pre-gens or a restricted TRAIT pool, ensuring that the character concepts are relatively serious and don't interfere too much with the intended flow of the mission.