Thanks for answering! :)
1. You do not need a heavy engine; as I said, Love2D would be totally enough. Or, if you do not want to use a programming language, you can try GDevelop for example, which is free and uses a click-based interface to design events; this may be better choice for you. (If you want to use an engine one day, there are also completely free and open-source ones such as Godot or Bevy. Unity is a big thing with shady stuff behind the scenes, including collaborating with the army… And Unreal Engine / Epic has shady connections too!)
2. I was asking if you used ‘artificial intelligence’ software that automatically generates images (such as Midjourney). Because the image has a funny look.
5. Funny indeed! XD Well done.
14. Well, I saw nothing happening when reaching the blue zone! ._. Was it supposed to be a Rickroll? Because I was sad not to have seen any in the game… :(
18. Three endings? You definitely need to show this!
19. Yes I did, I am quite obsessive. XD Although not all my points were questions!
20. Since I know a bit of Russian through Duolingo, I understand this is ‘Text in Russian.’; are you referring to the final dialogue? It was mainly if not totally in English, I think!