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I loved tiny envelope's little notes and stories (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆

Oh yeah, I got to the 'The End?' level and I just have to ask WHO HURT YOU!?!! ∑(ʘдʘ) deary me it was next to impossible! It took me 25 minutes to complete! lmao

I went back into the game and did the "15 seconds" instruction from the cutscene but it didn't do anything? (?0∀0)=3 did I do it wrong? I wanted to see easter egg lol

Anyhow 5/5 all round, I didn't know if I'd be interested in it at the start but I was VERY impressed and very absorbed into it once I started and I HAD to finish it to see what happened at the end lol great work all round! (✧u✧)


Thank you very much! It means a lot to me! <3

About the easter egg: i just checked twice, and the easter egg should work properly. Are you sure, that you holded a key long enough? ;)