Incredible work! The atmosphere was fantastic, I really enjoyed the feeling of not quite being sure that this little guy is a friend, and then was sad a little later. I thought the slow turning really added to the experience (I was expecting a jump scare the whole way through!) and the shake and lag on the helmet was very grounding, as was the sound. The puzzles were spaced well and grew and shrunk in complexity at the right rate for me.
I only have minor quibbles, I intuitively thought that left click was clockwise and right click was anti-clockwise, it took me a while to unlearn that - I wonder if that's a common intuition among others. Also, right at the start, I dropped down and stepped backwards and fell into an inescapable corner. Fortunately, as it was right at the start, I lost no progress when I restarted and I was on my way.
Really good job, you achieved an insane level of mood in 7 days, with solid puzzles and story to back it.