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(4 edits) (+12)(-17)

I tried to start it but I'm having a hard time getting into it with the the mc being a beta bitch boy, I get some people are into that but does this change at all or should I move on???

Edit: Y'all can downvote my question all you want, I just legitimately wanna know if he stays a spineless character with a psycho bitch as a "master" or if he turns the tables, I just hate spineless mcs so I wanna know before I try getting further into the game as to not waste time. 

Edit 2: damn, y'all will do anything BUT answer the question, ffs. 


Bro, you accidentally clicked the downvote your self


Thanks for the heads up, but my point still stands that there's downvotes anyways and the question has still yet to be answered, a simple "yes he grows a spine" or "no he doesn't, move on", I feel, is not that that complicated, yet people are more than willing to downvote rather than actually be helpful. 


The game is very worth playing still, its a one of a kind


read the fetishes tab in the game description bro. obviously the mc is going to be a beta male 🤦

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

He doesn't grow a spine it's suppose to connect to who ever's playing. Don't waste your time.


From my experience hes getting there, and i can also agree with the mc in many cenarios (no clue how it is spelled) as i too am very autistic.


Thanks for actually answering the question, as long as he gets some kind of development to be willing to stand up for himself I'm down to play it, I'm autistic af too, but thanks again, all these people willing to downvote a genuine question suck, you don't.

(1 edit) (+5)

I will agree that I'm not that fond of a spineless character, mc or not.

Game is still really good though, can't wait for the next update.


Dope, I'll definitely give the game a try in that case, thanks for saying so.


At the moment he is very docile and obedient, doing almost everything the girls want him too. I'm guessing later on he will become a bit more gutsy and do what he wants but will most likely stay pretty docile as that seems to be what the creator intends. To answer you question, no he does not currently change from this path much.


Gotcha, that's good to know, people say it's a really good game so I might try to give it a go again when I have time, but that will just be for testing the waters. Appreciate you letting me know.