Salutations all !
So does Killer7 read and respond to the comments here ? It'd be good to chat a bit with him about it, in the meantime can I suggest if you want a good laugh, and at the same time it's pretty hot, run a fresh game and name your character Big Dick, from the first meeting with Sandra it's a real hoot 👍
Sometimes he appears here, but that's relatively rare.
I think he's more active on discord if you really want to chat with him (at least that's what I've been told wayyy back, I don't use discord so can't confirm and it might have changed with him having become too big to be reachable to all his fans)
Thanks Aleshebi, I'll take a look there.
It's a game that has an interesting setting with some decent graphics and good characters, it looks like he's absorbed quite a bit of The Headmaster for it, but he's really undermined it all chiefly with the dialogue and some laughable animations.
The most obvious one is the terrible, game-breaking, family word replacement "Is it okay that tenant and half tenant feel like this ?" "We're all household neighbor Mary"
I'm presuming he's just done a Find & Replace on all the family words to avoid incest restrictions from or similar, but it kills the game and is a relatively easy fix by them just being a step family with no actual blood ties.
The first person animations too, which makes the girls look like they're having a mini-stroke whenever they're supposed to be French kissing ( heads suddenly dropping and tongues lolling out), and don't get me started on the 'winking' which seems like they have all contracted some sort of eye infection !
Obviously I could go on and on, and that's only because the core elements are actually good and a lot of this could be sorted with some decent exposition and editing, but how responsive Killer7 might be to doing this to his creation is a different matter.
I actually discovered the patch immediately after I wrote that, but thanks.
The stepfamily workaround is routine in porn where there are those same concerns about incest, and I think would work pretty well within this story without the patch, particularly for those that really aren't turned on by the idea of humping their own grandmother.
Do you know other games besides The Headmaster like this Aleshebi ?