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One of the coolest games I've played this year so far, really interesting and flexible main mechanic explored to surprising depths. I'm not the biggest puzzle fan and generally not very good at them, but this one was just the right difficulty for me and I love how there are multiple solutions to many of the challenges.

I had a similar issue with this as I had with ESA, which is constantly running into dead ends after clearing several rooms and then having to go back having found nothing of use, something that hinders the joy of exploration I usually get from good metroidvanias. It's a bit different here because there's a lot of puzzles that require creative thinking, meaning it's often hard to tell which ones are solvable and which ones are outright impossible until I come back with the necessary upgrades. I was also not always sure if my solution is intended or a cheese, e.g. using the momentum from walking which carries over for a bit after entering and exiting edit mode.

Overall it's a bit rough around the edges, I assume due to time constraints, but for something made for a small Itch bundle I didn't expect to spend a good 5 hours on it and have such a good time.


Thanks! I understand the issues you had with guideposting; I'm intending to add some stuff in the game that at least points you towards powerups so that you can have a clearer idea of where progress might be.