Also, we resolved this in private, PizzaShower did steal mods, most people didn’t consent to there mod being added here.
Not true??????????????? He started asking for permission for mods lmfao, after I scolded him for stealing mods, just because “Open Source does mean you can HTML5 mods and ask for takedowns are needed” are basically idiotic brain.
A Open Source mod basically means: “Hey, do you wanna know how this mod was made? Here is the code, don’t take line after line from it.”
Not to:
Steal Code Make HTML5 ports without mod teams/mod authors consent Steal Assets w/o permission from specific person
Ok mr “Swoppy Smartass”, you have NO FUCKING IDEA how much time I spend on mods and other peoples mods, and I have to fucking make a private port so I can play it on my periods, and NOT to make a public version of the Fork. Because for like 2 reasons: An HTML5 dude is gonna port it WITHOUT MY FUCKING CONSENT, and the final reason is that nobody seems to care to credit people for code they stole.