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New stuff:

  • The blue and red fairies have proper graphics now! Gray fairies are left for next time
  • Added a lot more animations to the fairies
  • Reworked the level tileset system. Levels look much different now
  • Big changes to most UI, including the options, pause and main menu
  • Changed the level select and level introduction
  • New flagpost graphics and effects
  • New fairy selection circle (animations pending)
  • Added controller support and extra keyboard controlls (WASD + K + L)
  • Unified zoom level and fullscreen in a single option. It has: zoom x1, zoom x2, full screen and borderless (full screen)
  • The game is no longer pixel perfect by default on full screen/borderless. This only affects screens that are not 16:9. They will no longer have black bars, but the pixel art will be slightly distorted
  • Speed up no longer requires holding down the "z" button. Pressing once will turn it on
  • "Speed up" prompt on the flag is always given now
  • Small puzzles tweaks for some level. All puzzles are basically the same to last DD.