Heads up - I ended up reverting back to the limited ammo system.
To repeat what I wrote in my patch notes:
While the feedback I received was generally positive, I found that this invalidated the core game mechanic of juggling the Iron Egg as a main source of damage entirely. Players reported that though juggling the Iron Egg with limited ammo was tricky, juggling the Iron Egg with unlimited ammo "felt like a chore" - it became too easy and trivialized the entire game.
Looks like I learned another lesson! Just because a lot of people complain does not mean the alternative they're providing is necessarily a good idea haha
I hope you'll give my game another go and let me know what you think! I've kept things like allowing the Iron Egg to bounce off the ship, and also polished up a few more things (i.e. changing button inputs to start, re-start, and continue game).