Some time ago I mentioned about an ideia of improving the NPC's page on the MC journal.
This is basically what I was thinking (Ignore the poor design since I made it ar work and using the paint, so, it't not that detailed):
1 - Character Name:
Nothing really complex, just tha character name as we actually know them (since there are characters which we just know about their names later).
2 - Character Art:
This is something that would be used exclusively as a friendly-face interface. It's not really important and the whole ideia it's not to focus on it, but is just to make things a litte more charming.
Hyao could use this section to put, for now, the whole sprite of the character (the standard one, actually).
It would be cool in the future to have an special art for each character here, for example, an art of Bernard on his shop trading with someone or an art of Rhot during training session, you know. But still, it's totally not necessary and I understand Hyao has a lot of other things to work on.
3* - Character Variations:
I put the * symbol to indicate the arrows and the other one I put in the wrong place. It should have been on the boxes below the character art square.
This section would be useful just to revisit the sprites we have from the characters (the ones we have actually seen)
I put the * too because I was thinking about using the arrows to change the sprite variation, but at the same time I thought about instead of going through each one you could jusr pick the one you want on boxes below.
4 - Like bar:
I don't know if 100 is the highest like score you can have with a person, but I put it there because it's the highest I saw.
There could be an arrow or something that indicates exactly where your reputation with that character on the bar.
5 - Hearts:
I was thinking about empty heart shapes, which could be fullfilled with a black or red hearts as the game progress.
It would be interesting to have the amount of empty heart shapes equal to the amount of heart we could ger with that character. For example, on Xer's page that would be just one empty heart, while on Bernard's page that would be four.
6 - Notes:
This section would be very useful during in game on my opinion to keep you up with the story.
The whole ideia is to have small notes of interesting things you discover about they.
For example, Bernard notes would be like:
- Used to have a best friend called Caleb, who is missing. (This would be updated as the game progress)
- Used to make business with my teacher.
- Use to go hunting every Friday during *I don't remember the time exactly*.
And things like that. I know that, for know, it would not be THAT useful since we don't have much of information from all the characters, but later on it could came to hand.
The whole ideia of the improvement on the NPC's page would be something that woulds constantly updating as the game progress (There could have a message on the up-left corner saying that that's something new on the journal).
At the end of it all I would just like to say this is just an ideia I had. I have no intention to bother anyone or Hyao, I just wanted to share it because I think that's something important during an in-progress game comunnity, to participate and discuss and share and, you know, show to the creators how invested you are and how their work is impacting other people.
For know, that's it. Sorry for the long text or any mistypes. I would like to hear what's your opinion about it :)