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Thank you for playing and the feedback!

Yeah the UI will be changed, I'd want to remove most of the text and have icons for most of it instead. Might overhaul it entirely too.

I'm not a big fan of screenshake, in most game where you can set it I usually turn it way down. However I do intend to add some, when getting hit for example. I'm afraid it might be really annoying when there's so much going on on the screen and it gets hard to see incoming things. I'll have to experiment with it.

I'll look into the directional audio stuff, I haven't really spent that much time on tweaking it yet actually

I'm hesitant to pause the game for things like that. Well I say that but right now you can already press Esc and inspect your equipped guns by hover over them. It seems most people didn't realize you can see your guns' stats by hovering over them with the mouse so I'll have to do better there. You can hold down F while running and you'll pick up whatever you run over. And if you stand over a gun at the same time you can compare it with one in your inventory. Ex. in pic.
But I'd say its encouraged to keep the guns you have on you right now and picking up a new one in the middle of battle is more of a desperation move; for example if you run out of ammo or you just really need a better one. You always have the opportunity to take your time after the portal spawns and decide exactly what you want to take with you. But if it turns out that this isn't enjoyable I'll change it.

Yeah reloading and switching weapons is something I'm trying to balance well, last DD I'd say it was much worse. I'd say in the later levels you often won't have time to keep using only one weapon at all like in the earlier ones. Its all something that will need constant tweaking I think.