First of link to the recording of me playing the game:
No commentary. Expires in 3 days.
I played linux build with keyboard.
I'll have you know I played a lot of SSX (the first one), so I cannot help but mention differences/missing things when it comes to controls.
You added a lot when I compare this version to DD46's version.
You are probably aware of things I am going to mention below, and just did not have enough time to implement them, but I am going to mention them so you know what to maybe prioritize for next DD.
If I remember correctly, SSX used same buttons/analog for rotating in air as movement steering, but in tricky madness they are separate controls.
If I want to use any board grabbing trick on keyboard, I must let go of wasd keys.
Holding jump key should stop you from turning. It's so you really need to commit to your jumps, and plan them ahead.
I hope in future the speed boost is going to work like in SSX where you don't use it right after landing, but you can save it for later.
I would like to see trick score multiplier floating pick ups.
Really good progress. I had fun.