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There didn't seem to be an intro to me so I felt pretty stranded in that sizeable town with little NPCs.

I just went exploring or rather getting lost in the maze-like buildings for a while before actually getting to gameplay and caught a bunch of critters I have no idea what they're good for along the way.

Lighting looks extremely dull which really brings down the look of the whole game. Quite a shame because the world is really nice so far, albeit quite empty in places.

Farming feels good. I like how you can basically build up your own farm including buildings and stuff. Honestly, if I were to play this I'd probably just find a patch of land away from the town and just do my own thing there. I'd like to be able to rotate pieces using the mouse wheel instead of having to press R .

 It all feels pretty slow for my taste but I guess that's part of the genre. I never played a farming game.

When I just had a small field finished the game didn't recognize my mouse input anymore so I stopped.

That is worrying, did you play the Linux or Windows version?


Linux. The mouse issue probably isn't so bad, would have been fixed by restarting I'm sure. Might just have been on my end. But the intro and tutorial others are talking about seemingly not being a thing is worrisome.

Just the fact it run on Linux is good news, we haven't tested the Linux version at all