Hey, thanks for trying it out!
Gotta admit, i rushed some things to get it ready for DD, like hits registering before connecting etc. Dungeon gen. is bugged for ages, i'm not sure whats happening there, but its on my list.
I actually never tried the browser zoom, thanks for being the first to test that! After a few tries it seems the screen only goes black when in zooming out in town. I will check that out! (And i will probably add a hint to use it, so i dont have to build my own zoom solution lol)
The framerate thing is concerning me, especially if its happening without changing the browser focus. Right now, the engine stops when losing focus on the game tab, and continues once its in focus again. When it paused for a few minutes it seems to be slower for a while? This could be even worse if you entered the dungeon, because then it created a bunch of goblins to calculate. Maybe making the engine continue in the background will help, i will look into it.
Btw i wish the pixel art was the only thing to worry about, it's easy and relaxing to do compared to the insanity of wiring together all those systems i build in isolation ;)
Anyway, appreciate your feedback! I wont get bored anytime soon i guess.