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(2 edits) (+3)(-2)

Hi... Can you please read my comment? I worked hard to write it...

Sorry if my comment's annoying, but I'd like a new update, if it's not a big deal. 

What about that in the game we can change our cats gender, color, pattern, property  and name? I'd really like that because many times I make a clan, are three cats with the same first name like: Splashheart, Splashtooth, Splashtail.. And I'm too bored of my cats' looks. And it's annoying that in a clan the most of the cats are just males or just females, but I don't want to mate two male cat or two female cat. And in every clan I have at least one cat who's bloodthirsty, but I don't like it. And I agree every idea that I has read it, like:

1. We can edit our cats

2. We can edit our territory

3. We can go to war with other cats/clans

4. We can exchange a cat to another clan

5. We can take back cats from death (because I don't want to loose my favourite cat)

6. We can edit our clan's name and territory (like Two-Leg had penetrated in our territory and the cats  need to find a new home, just like in the book, and first they were in desert and the clans' name were SandClan and now they live in the mountains and we can change their clan's name to SnowClan maybe.)

7. We can do some disaster in our territory (like Two-Leg had been destroyed the territory, or a storm had stuck it out the trees *forest territory* or in the territory had started a fire.)

8. We can catch prey and we can collect herbs with our cats

Sorry if it's too annoying or too hard to make it but I'd really like that your making this for some peoples who'd like to play like that. But also it will be good if we can change these options in the settings. 

9. We can delete our clan if we don't want more. (A "Delete Clan" button)


And sorry for annoying. I like this game anyway! Keep it up!

And I will thank it, if somebody will answer! I wanted just to say that please don't ignore me...

(Sorry if you don't understood something from what I have written down here, I'm not English but I try to write as correctly as I can)


You can actually edit your cats' traits and names, your clan's name, and take cats from death or exchange them from clans.

You can find tutorials for these things on YouTube, it's quite easy to do once you know how!

Hi! many of these features (such as renaming a cat) are already available in testing versions. You can also edit the cats files to change color, gender and traits :) 
I'll paste a message showing you how to do this (however I'm in the process of making an updated colour guide) but if you are using the aug 10 version you should be totally fine!

Excel Spreadsheet Guide

 (First go into your saves file, locate the folder with the clans name and you should find an excel spread sheet (if not note pad also works) the spread sheet should contain the information for your cat (this also allows you to bring cats back from the dead and make them younger)

A - ID. matches with their ID in the Clan file, isn't the same as another cats', and is 5 numbers long (ex. 70805) (not starting with 0)

 B - the cat's name. The first part, before the : is the prefix, after that is the suffix.

 C - the cat's gender. This has to be male or female.

 D - the cat's rank. This can be kitten, apprentice, warrior, elder, medicine cat, or leader.

 E - the cat's age. This can be kitten, adolescent, young adult, adult, senior adult, or elder.

 F - the cat's personality. The ones for older cats are: ambitious, bloodthirsty, calm, charismatic, cold, daring, empathetic, faithful, fierce, insecure, lonesome, loving, loyal, nervous, playful, righteous, shameless, strange, strict, troublesome, and vengeful. The ones for kittens are: attention-seeker, bossy, bouncy, bullying, charming, daring, daydreamer, inquisitive, insecure, nervous, quiet, sweet, and troublesome.

 G - the ID of the cat's first parent. Set it to “None” if they don’t have one.

 H - the ID of the cat's second parent. Set it to “None” if they don’t have one.

 I – the ID of the cat’s mentor. Set it to ‘None’ if they don’t have one.

 J - the cat's markings, excluding white. This can be Tortie, Tabby, TwoColor, SingleColor, Calico, or Speckled. The difference between Tortie and Calico is that Calico has larger patches and can have stripes in the patches, while Tortie has smaller patches and can't have stripes.

K - the cat's base coat color. The colours I've seen so far are: BLACK, DARKGREY, GREY, PALEGREY, SILVER, WHITE, PALEGINGER, GINGER, DARKGINGER, GOLDEN, LIGHTBROWN, BROWN, and DARKBROWN, but there may be more. On Tortie cats, this must be BLACK or GINGER, or it will crash; which it is makes no difference. Calico cats seem able to have any base colour without causing issues, but it’s probably safest to stay with BLACK and GINGER.

 L - not sure what this does? It's False on some cats, True on others, but I'm not sure if it makes a difference honestly? Just set it to True I guess, as that seems the most common.

M - the cat's fur length. Some poses will crash the game or display as the wrong age if they aren't on the right fur length (only for warrior-ranked cats), so make sure that the pose and fur length match up. The fur length can be short, medium, or long.

N - the cat's pose as a kit. 0 is sitting, 1 is crouching/standing, and 2 is pawing at the air.

 O - the cat's pose as an apprentice. 3 is standing. 4 is rolling on back. 5 is sitting.

P - the cat's pose as a warrior. This has to match fur length or it will cause issues; the matching fur length is described for each pose.

Long furred -     0 is sitting (long-furred version). 1 is standing (long-furred version) 2 is                           standing with head tilted to the side (long-furred version).

Short/medium furred - 6 is standing front view (Medium/Short). 7 is sitting                                                        (Medium/Short). 8 is standing (Medium/Short).

 Q - the cat's pose as an elder. 3 is sitting up. 4 is lying down. 5 is loafing.


 S - whether the pose is flipped or not. True for flipped, False for not.

 T - the white pattern on the cat. The white patterns are None, for no white; EXTRA, lighter fur around the eyes; LITTLE, small bits of white on the chest and tail; TUXEDO, for white underbelly and muzzle; ANY or ANY2, for a lot of white with patches of color; VAN, for white with color only on tail and head; and finally COLOURPOINT, for color only on the paws, tail tip, and face. If you add CREAMY after almost any of the white patterns (ex. LITTLECREAMY, ANY2CREAMY, COLOURPOINTCREAMY), the white becomes a slightly darker off-white color instead of bright white. I say almost any because it doesn't work on EXTRA (it works on all the others) - if you write EXTRACREAMY, the game will crash, you have to write just EXTRA.

 U - This changes the colour or pattern of tortie/calico cats. This has no effect on cats who aren't tortie or calico, no matter what it's set to. It may have an effect on kittens of those cats who are tortie, though, so keep that in mind. This is different based on whether the cat is tortie or calico. For Tortie: ONE and TWO are different patch shapes, while FADEDONE and FADEDTWO have the same patch shapes as ONE and TWO, respectively, but are lighter in colour. None, THREE, FOUR, FADEDTHREE, and FADEDFOUR will all crash the game on a Tortie. For Calico: ONE and TWO are different patch shapes without stripes, while THREE and FOUR are the same patch shapes as ONE and TWO, respectively, but have stripes in the red patches. The FADED variants of these all work the same, except for being lighter, and I believe that FADEDTHREE or FADEDFOUR cats also have some stripes in the non-red patches. None crashes the game on a Calico too. BLUEONE and BLUETWO are grey torties

 V - the cat's skin (paw pad and nose) colour. RED, PINK, and BLACK seem to be the only options.

 W - this is what the cat is skilled at. The game doesn’t appear to break if this is something it doesn’t recognize, so you can probably make custom ones if you want!. This is set to ??? for kittens or apprentices, and is randomly chosen as a warrior.

 X - unsure, I've never seen this be anything other than None. Just leave it at None, there shouldn't be any issues.

 Y - unsure, I've never seen this be anything other than None. Just leave it at None, there shouldn't be any issues.

Z - this is the cat's age in moons. It has to match their rank and age. 0-5 moons is kitten, 6-11 moons is adolescent, 12-47 moons is young adult, 48-95 moons is adult, 96-119 moons is senior adult, and 120+ moons is elder

AA - the ID of the cat’s mate. Set it to ‘None’ if they don’t have one.

 AB - whether the cat is dead or not. True means the cat is dead, False means they are alive.

 AC – unsure

 AD - this is if the cat has a scar or collar, and if so, what it is. If they don’t have a scar, set it to None. If they do have a scar, the options are as follows. ONE is a scar on the chest or throat, TWO is a scar on the back of the neck, THREE is a scar over the eye, NOTAIL is a missing tail, RIGHTEAR is a nick in the right ear and LEFTEAR is a nick in the left ear. If they have a collor list the name of the specific collar you want them to wear (all caps) . Collar names


 AE – Cats XP, always starts at 0 with Max being 80

 AF – How many moons a cat has been in Starclan/dead for

AG – the ID of the cat’s apprentice. Set it to ‘None’ if they don’t have one. (if they have multiple it needs to be separated by using ‘;’)

 AH - the ID of the cat’s former apprentice. Set it to ‘None’ if they don’t have one. (if they have multiple it needs to be separated by using ‘;’)

Sorry for long message lol 

My life mission is officially finding out what L does.

Hey! About n°9: I know it might sound a bit like cheating, but I found a way to delete a clan!

Before starting the process below, make sure the clan you last opened is NOT the one you are trying to delete, otherwise the game will stop working unless you re-download it.

1. Open the folder with the game inside.
2. Instead of clicking "main", go to "saves".
3. Look for the text file "clanlist"; there should be all the prefixes of your clans inside.
4. Delete the name of the clan you want to erase.
5. Now look for a Exell file named "(Your clan name) + cats" (ex. Testcats) and delete it.
6. Look again for a text file named like the clan, and delete that too.

Done! If you enter the game afterwards and select switch clans, the clan you erased should be gone :D