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Wait, title was misspelled this whole time?! Omg... I'm gonna fix it right away.

And thanks for the review <3

To explain for some things:
I didn't have a specific image of what Brooke should look like, so I drew...  a normal girl. And that's why she has one sprite. (And I knew that I'm gonna update her later anyway.)
And I tried to find some sounds for the empty rooms and streets (like hum or quiet noise), but nothing, so I left the scenes without sound. 
Aand I wrote the text in a hurry, and basically write everything that comes into my mind, and that's why the text is so weird.
Aaand this is also the reason why there are a lot of typos in the text - when I was done with all the main text (in my native language), I just started shoving it into the translator and ctrl c + ctrl v. (Although I did little corrections.)

And thanks for the advices, I'll keep them in mind when I will work on a full release of the first build.

(And I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, and I was having trouble finding the right words...)