Identified very much with this Totally Accurate Simulation, particularly the "tab you've left open for eight months and never got to" part.
A very good fit for the theme, and the generators were amusing, especially when the sunlight of the evening streamed into the tavern. Speaking of, the tavern names were really quite good. Might need to keep this on hand for DnD games, ha.
I imagine that Twine doesn't have the functionality, but some ambient music would have been nice. I also would have liked to see an expanded version of the generators where you can more severely affect the story (like the happy or sad ending option) on multiple points. And maybe a failure state? (I don't think there was one, but I didn't try all the options.) I.e. that some options lead you to a "didn't manage to write something in time" state, to introduce more mechanics? (If I recall correctly, Twine supports variables and stuff, right?)
Anyway, cool game.