Title - Nice opening. Digging that chord synth.
Neon Streaks - Whee. Fast paced now. Quite like that noisy-synthy-texture you got going on in there. The pad. Ah neat, there's the motif again. Neat little arpeggiated synth there too. Nice electric piano at the end there, and neat little touch bitcrushing its decay.
Metro - Interesting opening. Cool glide on that synth. Quite like the percs too. It all seems to be happening in the high end, but it fits the tune.
Bastion - Bossfight? It certainly sounds combat-ey to me. Nice work. Really like that hard-sync like sound. The one you also solo at the end.
Countdown - It does feel like a story is concluding alright.
Favourite is probably countdown. Though I really like the outro to Neon Streaks.
Great job!