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So good. Such a beautiful little game! Tables and prompts have a lot of flavor, just enough to get the imagination going. Simple and affective mechanics. Really love it. If you ever release supplements I'm there


Thank you! Supplements are an interesting idea in future. What would you like to see in them - more event tables, more Nomads…? 😀


May I interject here and say I’d love to see more Nomad types. Maybe even just a small zine with just a plethora of tables to add in side adventures or even when things go sideways. Honestly the possibilities are endless. 

Definitely some food for thought ;)


Agreed! Nomad types would be great. I would definitely love more tables. Maybe if it's all packaged as a slightly different theme? Maybe including more spacefaring mechanics? I think your inclusion of narrative based questions in the table results is brilliant, and goes a long way of extending the replay. Still I found myself rolling up a lot of the same results on the Destination table in particular since it's just 6 results and it's rolled on every turn. So much potential, though!


I like the idea of a supplement!

The things I'd look forward to the most in one would be: advanced rules to further distinguish each Nomad type from one another (perhaps each gets their own unique ability), a new Nomad type or two (one idea I had was some sort of Scrapper who builds stuff like drones and gadgets), more tables, and perhaps some general roleplaying tips or action/dialogue prompts for the different Nomad types (a little guidance can be super helpful when one is drawing a blank!).

Really love this game, and I'm excited to get the physical copy in the mail! 


I know that we could just make our own but id love to see a supp about ships too. Hell id love to make one but my drawing skills are limited to stick figures and poorly made circles.