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I'm going with the reason being Hyao understood everyone was obsessed with him and wanted to make him a slow burn for readers for longer playtime, which funnily enough also feels like the only GOOD way to write his character with how his plotlines have been set up.

those setups being, He was cheated on by his wife who had been with him for prolly his entire adult life with LITERAL animals and giant werewolves he counts as monsters, he then proceeded to become a werewolf which was something else his wife ditched him for.

Then had to deal with the MC being in his life and changing how he felt about certain things making him an even bigger mess in his mind, especially if you're a guy since he thought he was straight for his entire life until you showed up and basically made him question his own sexuality. 

Everything about him screams he needed help and him suddenly just accepting everything and being ok with it wouldn't fit with him at all nor would his choices being easy to read or make, how could anyone really tell with simplicity what choice would be correct unless you went through something similar and had someone like you who you wish said those things to you. this however is all coming from a major whore for him and also someone who could tell what choices to make due to having a major addiction to reading fan fiction/any book with a love interest that is damaged or hurt getting the help they need from someone they eventually fall in love with, giving me prior experience with what choices would make a person really mad or help them out. 

also, Hyao is like really good at writing character's that feel like real human's so if you understand how people would usually act in real life it gets a bit easier to read as well.


Damn Idk but I love to see him and to think how deep Logan character is


Logan is the most well written character by far. Maybe in the future we will be able to see more of his sweet side.


I'm hoping so