Hell yeah, criticism! This'll be useful.
One thing to note is that the FPS counter in the corner isn't necessarily how often it's rendering frames; Gamemaker's weird and has "fps" and "fps_real"; the former shows the FPS it's running at, and the latter is how many CPU steps per second it's iterating. I use fps_real to see how close to under 60 I'm getting during testing, but I didn't actually convey that to anyone. Whoops!
The menu fade is noted! I thought it was fast enough, but I'll consider an option to disable/speed up UI animations, or just speed it up altogether. Also, those tutorial messages were just kinda last minute, so making them only show once is def. a screw up on my part.
(I fixed the menu buttons triggering on press as well as that crash with pressing Q, as well.)
Overall, thanks for the feedback! It'll be a good reference for what I need to polish next.