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The jump is so tedious, if your a pixel off it doesn't work, or if it does it doesn't go high enough. Yes Im holding the button down, and I have to do it like 3 times to clear a slightly higher block. I've literally spent 30 minutes at the lava area constantly dying because the jump is messed up (and yes im ass at platformers). I get to the last jump multiple times and then because its a tiny platform the jump is too short or it doesn't work at all. if the jump just a little bit higher then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm just wasting my time with this game (Obviously, its a fucking porn game). 

bug - slime turned into dark shadow lizard somehow

the key binding is messed up, only shift and alt work for attack and block, not c and f.

I'll likely adjust the jump.  It's an easy fix.

However the keybindings should really by default be F for attack and Shift for parry. You can change them from the main menu.

Which version of the game are you playing? 0.29.1 is the latest one.