I wasn't able to play past the intro dialogue as it ended up not responding each time I tried, though I do have a few comments on what I did see of the game; both mostly small things. To start with, dialogue shouldn't auto-advance. You should almost always let the player advance it by hitting a key unless you have a good reason for auto-advance. Trying to get it to work was frustrating because I had to sit through the intro with no way to skip through the dialogue each time.
I also looked at the controls in the options, and the default controls seemed ridiculous. A lot of different keys as well as the mouse. If you have things such as "interact" and "pick up" and "read" they can all probably fall under the same action. If you're involving the mouse and there's movement, you need to keep in mind that one hand is going to be entirely on WASD plus a few keys nearby (shift, control, space, Q, E, F, and R). I could remap the controls, but it didn't fix the problem of having several actions that seemed like they could all fall under the same button/key. I didn't play the game, though, so I have no idea if all of those actions were actually used in the game. Looked and sounded interesting, so I'm disappointed I didn't get to play it.