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The Art Style in this game was by far the most interesting and most unique aspect of this game. It has good contrast and gives the player a feeling of power with their attacks as the enemies pause and react to your hits.

Despite this, the gameplay loop is very basic and gets repetitive fast. The idea of having 2 different forms to switch between is interesting in concept, but in terms of gameplay it adds very little. The trade off in attack speed for a ranged attack in the small form is often not worth it with the massive hordes of enemies, making the gameplay element relatively useless. I would love to see this idea expanded upon, maybe having ranged attacks deal more damage to counteract the offset of lowered attack speed, or maybe even a more unique twist on the genre.

As the game is right now, it is fun for around a minute before the enemies rapidly out scale the enemy, making it harder in an unengaging way as the player finds themselves getting overwhelmed with no way of fighting back. Some ways I would suggest you could improve this aspect of the game is by potentially giving the player weapons or power-ups (Look at Streets of Rage 4) to give the player a temporary boost to help fight off against the massive hordes.

Another issue I found with the game was a lack of player feedback, especially when giving or receiving hits. This issue has a simple solution, either adding some kind of flash on the player/screen along with a particle effect. This would both help make the game look nicer and give gameplay a much smoother transition to getting hit rather than constantly having to look at the corner of the screen.

Overall, this game was very fun and I hope to see more of it in the future!

How do you plan on developing it further since this jam has finished?

Thank you for the lovely reply, the idea was to have the enemies roll barrels to force the player to turn into small mode to be able to jump over them as we made it so when you are buff you are unable to jump (because of how hench you are) this would force the player to switch between forms as big mode offers more power.

we are also thinking of adding bosses which the artwork has already been completed we just need to figure out more code. which will hopefully make the game less boring to play. I think the idea of power up is good and I will definitely add it to the game given i complete my other tasks :)

the player feedback is a lovely idea and I will definitely add it, thank you very much for the suggestion, hope to hear from you again after we improve upon what we already have!

Thanks once again :))