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Really quite addictive! I had some graphical glitches running on uae on an a1200 setup, but on my real hardware (1200/030@50) it works fine. I didn't 100% understand what I was doing but I've started to get the hang of it, would be nice to be able to build roads in multiples rather than one tile at a time, though I could just be doing it wrong. Cracking music too, great effort all round!

Thanks for trying it out and thanks for the compliments! Sadly I cannot take credit for the music as it's a public domain mod that was created before the gamejam and I really shouldn't have included it in hind-sight as it's a bit against the spirit of it, I'll have to learn amiga music composition and right that wrong I think!

I've had some funky behaviour on my accelerated Amiga 500 myself, but a stock one seems to play better with blitz basic games

I agree that it really could've used a better explanation on how to play, quite a few of the rules that are implied are also not fully implemented so it makes it even harder to learn the game as you're not really getting feedback to what the player is doing, being able to drag-build roads like in Simcity is also a good suggestion and one I should implement!

I'll be working on an update to fix a couple of these issues as I really would like to expand and extend the game as much as possible!

nice. Yeah I wouldn't worry about using some pd music, I think those kind of assets it's fair to use in a jam, it's a coding jam after all, people use ai generated art, so I think it's fine :)