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Hello, I just got this game yesterday and I love it. It's definitely one of the best I've seen here on itch. Still, it's too far to reach the "r" to reload, especially in the heat of battle. As any experienced zombie killer knows, one single second could make a big difference, and push you closer to success or death, so could you please make it so you can reload with the right click on the mouse? Or better yet, make the controls remappable(not sure if that's a word...😅) that way, no one will have any problem withit. Thanks.

Thank you Gold-Diamond, much appreciated it! Regarding the custom mapping of the control, that would be a great thing to have, but since there is only two of us working on the game, we lack time, but that is something I would definitely like to add to the game later.
As for the, right click for reload, we'll add it in the update, which is coming hopefully in a day or two.

All right! Can't wait! 😃😁

Alright, turns out the right click to reload didn't help as much as I thought it would, probably cuz you can't shoot while reloading (something I didn't notice before). Also, I always get an F every single time, even when I manage to destroy one of the nests before dying. In survival mode, I got a B on the first try and another F the second time, and I don't really know if I'm that bad at the game or if the scoring system works differently from other games I've played. Taking down the nests is also extremely difficult cuz you have to focus on so many things at once: there're multiple enemies coming at you from every angle, blocking your escape routes from the onslaught of the spitters firing their acid balls, and on top of all that, the nest also has its own (very effective) offense system. It'd be easier if you get more health packs along the way, or if the enemies spawned around the nests are not as much as they are elsewhere.