Team Fallen Gods - The first thing we noticed about the game was the really nice art style which was also consistent throughout the entire game and all the features. Another good thing we noticed was that you can't run off the screen, we noticed it was common in other games that you could run off the screen and we also liked how there was levels and I'm sure there would be more levels to come but it ended after 2. Some things we noticed that could be worked on were in level 1 we got a little bit glitched and stuck inside the tall looking dude near the end but suddenly we moved on to level 2 so unsure what happened! After level 2 a large main menu popup came and that was sort of it, I'm assuming maybe more levels to come? We also felt like it was really nice to see how much HP you have left but think it could be nice to see some death animations of the enemies instead of just disappearing. Overall, really nice game though everything was great including character movements!